Monday, May 3, 2010

Ah...That Makes Sense

And now the Mettenberger incident makes perfect sense: He's a creepo. That's right, Mr. Oconee County plead guilty to sexual assault (the misdemeanor type) and issued a public apology. "Creepo" might be harsh since we don't have all the details, but sexual assault is no joke, especially when you admit you DID IT! Beyond the plea, there were no other details, and that's fine, because beyond the plea, there's an innocent victim's business at stake and why drag them through this if he's already admitted guilt?

UPDATE: I couldn't resist, here's the dirt: “The sexual battery counts were the result of Mettenberger grabbing the breasts and touching the buttocks of the victim," according to Southern Judicial Circuit district attorney J. David Miller.

BTW, Mettenberger also..."is banished from the city of Valdosta." Banished? What year is this?


  1. Also, isn't banishment from Valdosta more reward than punishment?

  2. That banishment might make it hard for him to become a top notch high school football coach after his playing days are over though.
